Week Without Walls is next week and I am going on the Jaffna trip. The point of this trip is to explore Jaffna and Tamil culture by visiting historical and cultural sites and talking to the people as well as visit a school to interact with the kids there, and to show or display our findings in different media.
My goal for this trip is to learn as much as I can of the Tamil culture up north and how it was affected by the war; to learn more about my host country and its history. The war that affected this culture is an issue of global importance because of how the end of the war was handled. The post-conflict recovery of the region is what we will mainly be focusing on, through a grass roots level of investigaion, to better understand how the people were affected personally.
A secondary goal for the trip is to learn and use more forms of media to document our findings. By becoming more familiar with different forms of media, it will be easier to complete other assignments that require the use of them.