Thursday, 19 November 2015

Quarter 2 Extracurricular Activities

This quarter I planned to continue with my creativity and service activities of piano lessons and the Checkmates service group (Showing perseverance and commitment), while changing tracks for activity from volleyball to basketball as the previous season ended, like I did last year and the year before. However, my plans were thrown for a loop when I discovered that the SAISA tournament and the mock exams are only a few days apart, as well as the fact that the badminton season would occur at the same time but on different days of the week.

Originally I wanted to not take part in any SAISA to focus on my academics, but ultimately decided that since the tournament takes place only after the mock exams instead of before, then it was okay to take part in a SAISA sport one last time. This year I decided on trying out for the badminton team for multiple reasons, but mostly to try something new (Undertaking new challenges). This new activity would also allow me to develop new skills, gain increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth, and work collaboratively with others.

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